Cooler than you think

Arctest is a leading Nordic manufacturer of environmental test equipment. Our focus is on bespoken solutions, built according to customer specifications and needs. Tailored environmental equipment decreases the dependency on field tests and shortens substantially the time between development and launching of the product. When the test equipment is designed to fit the customer's own needs, the tests get more reliable and faster, furthermore the equipment is thus part of the user's own process.

Arctest Oy - Referenssit

Me teimme nämä

Kasvien kasvutestaus Kasvien kasvukammiot

Arctest rakensi 10 kasvien kasvatuskammiota SLU:lle Ultunaan Uppsalassa.

SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 06 / 2024
Mobiilitestaus ARCWAG-2

Mobiilit Olosuhdetesti Trailerit, ARCWAG-2.

Defence industry customer 06 / 2024
Lämpötilan testaus Lämpötilan testauslaitteet säiliössä

Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu etsi sopivaa ratkaisua lämpötilan testaukseen. Arctestin ratkaisu täytti asiakkaan vaatimukset ja kilpailun jälkeen toimittajaksi valittiin Arctest.

Lapland University of Applied Sciences 10 / 2023
Säilyvyysseuranta Säilyvyysseurantakammiot tehtaan laboratoriossa

Toimitimme olosuhdetestihuoneet lääkkeiden pitkäaikaista vakaustestausta varten. Arctestin mittatilaustyönä tehdyt testikammiot ovat suunniteltu erityisesti lääkkeiden säilyvyysseurantaan.

Pharmaceutical industry 03 / 2023
Mobiilitestaus ARCMIL-202

Siirrettävä Testikontti, jossa on kaksi testikammiota. Ilmasto: -57...80˚C, 10...80%RH

Defence industry customer 03 / 2023
Mobiilitestaus Olosuhdetesti peräkärry ARCWAG-2

We delivered to SAAB Bofors Test Center a climate simulation trailer, with two tests chambers. The construction is placed on a standardized trailer that can be towed by ordinary cars with a towbar.

SAAB Bofors Test Center 02 / 2022
Teolliset uunit Stabilization chamber furnace for explosives.

Heating of the oven space takes place with indirect heating of air. Machinery is placeart outside the aptitude for maximum safety. Temperature range. +60-100°C. Temperature uniformity: +/-1°C.

Arctest AB 02 / 2022
Mobiilitestaus ARCMIL-202

We delivered a 20 ft container, that consists of three rooms: - engine compartment - cold test chamber - hot test chamber Construction is based on standard street container.

Defence industry customer 08 / 2021
Mobiilitestaus Mobile Climate Test container

We delivered SAAB Bofors Test Center a 20 ft container, that consists of three rooms: - engine compartment - cold test chamber - hot test chamber Construction is based on standard street container.

SAAB Bofors Test Center 05 / 2021
Olosuhdetestaus Climate test room

Arctest delivered an Climate test room for Danfoss for testing with big temperature changes and high differences in humidity.

Danfoss 12 / 2018
Lämpötilan testaus ARCR-4 Temperature test chamber

Arctest delivered two temperature test chambers for Ericsson. Temperature range -55ºC...+100ºC Control stability and uniformity +/- 1ºC.

Ericsson 11 / 2018
Olosuhdetestaus Environmental test camber

Arctest designed and delivered a very demanding test room to Centria UAS for testing a big variety of industrial products, everything from building materials to electric vehicles.

Centria University of Applied Sciences 06 / 2017