Cooler than you think

Arctest is a leading Nordic manufacturer of environmental test equipment. Our focus is on bespoken solutions, built according to customer specifications and needs. Tailored environmental equipment decreases the dependency on field tests and shortens substantially the time between development and launching of the product. When the test equipment is designed to fit the customer's own needs, the tests get more reliable and faster, furthermore the equipment is thus part of the user's own process.

Arctest Oy - Referenssi

Me teimme tämän

Defence industry customer

06 / 2024 Mobiilitestaus


Mobiilit Olosuhdetesti Trailerit, ARCWAG-2.

Arctest toimitti kaksi Olosuhdetesti Peräkärryä puolustusteollisuuden asiakkaalle. Perävaunut ovat räätälöityjä, rakennettu tavallisille perävaunujen maantiealustoille.